Monday, February 25, 2008

Beautiful Baby corn

The germination was incredibly high, over 95 percent by our careful count. The formerly bland starchy popcorn is now profoundly sweet - almost sickeningly sweet!

Although the rootlets are over an inch long the acrospyre is only the length of the kernel itself.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I piled up the corn for the last day of germination - I have no idea why, but most of my sources seemed to suggest it. And just like they said, it really did generate quite a bit of heat!

In the second photo you I have spread out the corn, or jora as it is called at this point, to dry.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

healthy germination.

Phew, any fears of lack of germinability have been assuaged. The seeds are very definitely germinating. On some the sprout is already one sixteenth of an inch long. We will post a picture of a germinating seed when the sprouting is more obvious. In a few days. Today, for the sake of authenticity the seeds were relocated (again) to a tarp on the floor - and covered with a damp cloth. To tell you the truth they only went into the bucked with a hole in while a better location was figured out.
Isn't the picture delicious? Don't you feel like you are virtually walking the streets of 15th century Machu Picchu?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Day two - Germination

After soaking for over 18 hours the turgid seeds have been relocated to a bucket with a hole in the bottom. If they were to be left submerged in water in the other bucked they would be subject to the putrefying effects of anaerobic bacteria. For now, and until we think of a better place to continue the process, germination will continue here - in a damp yet oxygen rich environment.

The smell by the way is delicious. How can I explain it? It is the smell of wet grain! Sweet and fresh like springtime! And no, it is not the smell of 'green corn' or whatever way you want to euphanize that smell.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

re-creation of traditional 'chicha de jora'

Claire Guyer and Jedidiah present: a blog about making ancient South American beer. In this blog we will chronicle the trials and tribulations of producing a traditional beverage from scratch.

Chicha was a beverage of widespread production in the ancient South American world. The term 'chicha' seems to have referred to many types of fermented beverages and beer. Likely the most ubiquitous of these, and most culturally significant of these was chicha de jora. Which is a post colombian Spanish name which basically translates to 'beer made from malted corn'.

As promised: Day One....

Began with a trip to the bulk barn. Having given up on finding a source for any other kind of whole corn (with germination capability) I bought 13 lbs of white popcorn. Seemed like a nice round number - and lucky too!

Then we put it in a bucket with water.

-Jed and Claire